




Today, I am sharing two important announcements that impact our university community.

第一个, 经过综合评估, we have made the difficult decision to discontinue 10 athletic teams at the conclusion of their respective seasons this academic year. This decision is a result of a thorough assessment of our athletic department's sustainability, aligning with our commitment to upholding the high-quality academic and athletic experiences that define our university.


  • NCAA男子曲棍球; 2024年春季赛季结束后生效
  • 男子游泳和跳水; 2024年春季赛季结束后生效
  • NCAA男子网球赛; 2024年春季赛季结束后生效
  • NCAA男子室内田径赛 & 领域, 2024年春季赛季结束后生效
  • NCAA男子户外田径赛 & 领域, 2024年春季赛季结束后生效
  • NCAA男子摔跤, 2024年春季赛季结束后生效
  • NCAA女子曲棍球; 自2023年12月1日起生效
  • NCAA女子体操, 2024年春季赛季结束后生效
  • NCAA女子游泳和跳水; 2024年春季赛季结束后生效
  • 男子和女子自行车; 2024年春季赛季结束后生效

第二个, in addition to these changes with our athletic teams, we are embarking on a broader initiative to rebalance our investments in staffing across various university divisions. 截至12月1日, the University has eliminated nine filled positions as well as many vacant positions. We have concentrated efforts to support robust academic programming and have maintained all filled faculty positions. 这些决定, 而具有挑战性的, support Lindenwood’s continued evolution as we strive to meet the needs of students.

We are committed to assisting all members of the University community affected by these changes, and additional details can be found in our frequently asked questions. Additional support resources have been provided to students and employees.

我们对卓越的承诺是坚定不移的, and we appreciate your understanding and support during this rebalance and reallocation of resources. We are dedicated to transparency as we navigate these changes together.

Thank you for your continued dedication to our university community.


Dr. 约翰•波特

Dr. 约翰•波特

FAQ - 12月1日公告

Following the December 1 announcement of discontinuing 10 athletic teams, we've created these FAQs to address queries and clarify the circumstances surrounding the decision.